WSET Intermediate Certificate, 2007 and Advanced Certificate, Summer 2008
Position: Weekend Lead and Wine Educator, DeLille Cellars Carriage House
It was a lack of basic information and training available at previous winery jobs that led Deb Stilwell to seek out the WSET program. Deb began her studies for the Intermediate Certificate program independently and exclaims, “It was the first time in my life I came across a subject where I realized how much there was to know and that I had SO much to learn. I didn't find this depressing but rather, exciting.” After sitting the IC exam with the WSA in Portland, she dove right into the Advanced Certificate program in a Seattle class. Deb now conducts wine education classes both in her position as the Weekend Lead and Wine Educator at DeLille Cellars in Woodinville, WA, and while conducting staff training for the new Wines of Washington tasting room in Snohomish, WA. She has also taught a Wine Basics class at the Seattle branch of Le Cordon Bleu and plans to continue teaching there. Deb is a real testament to the power of a WSET education!